Introducing...Uncle Mont’s Stewards!

Mont's House

Gotts Island, Maine

Stewardship: “The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.”

Uncle Mont’s Stewards are committed to restoring and maintaining Mont’s house so the legacy of the house and its residents is preserved. We are not only stewards of the history that resides within Mont’s House, but protectors of the island community, and wish to preserve this iconic Gateway to Gotts Island for future generations to enjoy.

Latest News

The April cleanup was a resounding success! 11 hearty souls came out to remove nearly a ton of debris from in and around Mont’s house, load it on and off the boat, and fill a dumpster in Bernard. Thanks to all who helped.

The next work party is scheduled for Saturday May 20th from 9:00 to 1:00. We will focus on 3 areas of work:

  1. Exposing the sills both outside (digging) and inside (board removal) so we can assess the scope of the sill replacement.
  2. Landscaping and grounds work.
  3. Scraping and painting newly installed front door and trim.

Bring your gloves and a lunch. We’ll have a picnic celebration when we are done. Please sign up below.

CleanupCrew-1000 NewDoor


Anyone can be a Steward. The preferred membership level, called “The Full Monty”, is $300 annually. Annual stewardship rates:

We are working on a tax ID # and bank account, but for now checks can be made out to: George Chappell and mailed to 74 Horse Farm Rd, Trenton, ME 04605. Venmo is also accepted.

Contact us to join in or sign up for a work day:

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